Toxic Milk and Cheese - Starbucks Switches to Soy Milk in Response

All Electric Coffee Roasting 

1.  Reduced CO2 Environmental Impact
2.  Zero Poisonous Carbon Monoxide Emissions
3Reduced Dependence upon Foreign Oil
4Lowered insurance costs
5.  Reduced startup costs
4 All Electric Thermal Convection Drum Coffee Roasters Electric Cost and CO2 Impact Comparison

2 Fluidized Bed Coffee Roasters, one Electric and one Gas/Electric Cost and CO2 Impact Comparison

 Maximum Batch

Power Consumed

Kilowatt Hours  Batch

 CO2 per Batch

Seattle Price Per KW Hr = 6.3 Cents Electric Costs per Roast

Thermal Convection  Drum Roaster

Fluidized Bed Roaster

2 lb.

1450 Watts

.725 KWhr.*

.323 Kg. per 2 lb. Batch

4.57  Cents per Batch    2.28  Cents per Pound

4 lb.

1750 Watts

.875 KWhr.*

.376 Kg. per 4 lb. Batch

5.51 Cents  per Batch    1.4  Cents per  Pound

6 lb.

1900 Watts

.950 KWhr.*

.409 Kg. per 6 lb. Batch

5.99 Cents  per Batch     1.0 Cents     per Pound

8 lb.

3250 Watts

1.63 KWhr.*

.699 Kg. per 8 lb. Batch

10.27 Cents per Batch    1.3 Cents per Pound

4 oz.

1500 Watts

.750 KWhr.

.323 Kg. per 4 oz. Batch

1.29 Kg./lb.

4.73 Cents   per Batch     18.92 Cents per Pound

1.3 lb. Batch/    3.9 lb. hr.

31000 Btu/Hr Liquid Propane (LP)**

1.47 lb. LP** per Hour

1.83 Kg./Hr.

.61 Kg./Batch

$1.03 per Hour 26 Cents per Pound (@ 0.70 Cents /lb. LP)

* Using the most aggressive roast profile to dark roast, ambient temperature at 75 Degree F. in a roasting room.                  

**Not included in the power cost of the 1.3 lb. Batch Size LP Fluidized Bed Coffee Roaster is the Electric Power Required, which is Nominal at 360 Watts or 3 Ampere Hours per Hour of Operation

Your State Price Per KW?